Today I register for school. Just taking English 2, but I figure it is a nice easy transition back into scholarly life. I was going to take it online, but instead, I think I will take it in class. I may be crazy. We shall see.
On the homefront....we took our doggie to the groomer for the very first time yesterday. May not seem like a big deal, but she is 11 and has never been before. Here, her coat and nails have gone out of control, and I am tired of vacuuming up enough hair to knit a new dog. She is so cute. I will have to take photos to post.
Also, speaking of follicular alterations..... my son shaved for the first time this weekend. He saved his little mustache but all that hair that was all over his neck and cheeks is gone. So handsome.
Other than that, I had a long conversation on the phone with my mother yesterday, and it helped me to feel better. I guess I am just missing my family a lot. I definitely don't miss Miami, but I miss my peeps, for sure.
Speaking of family....I have been researching my family tree for a few years, and I have gone all the way back to the first generation to come to America on many branches (most of them came over before the year 1700, many were here in the 1500's). I have a few branches that are dead ends currently, because my great-great-grandfather was an orphan, and there are currently no records for him. Also, my fathers side stalls out at my paternal great-grandfather. Interestingly, my father's mother was Gloria Bacon. And on "Finding Your Roots" this past weekend they did the lineages of Kevin Bacon and his wife. I love to play 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon with my son, and wouldn't it be interesting if there only 6 degrees between Kevin Bacon and me?
Speaking of degrees of separation....My degrees of separation between a lot of Hollywood and myself dramatically reduced with the rise to fame of Brett Ratner. He and I went to high school together. While I would not call us friends by any stretch of the imagination, I definitely did know him, and the counts right? So, supposedly, if you believe the covers of the tabloids, he is dating Sandra Bullock. (Whom I love) Who starred in "Speed" and "the Lake House" with Keannu Reeves, with whom I have always wanted to do very bad things with, so it is like we are already dating....
I have been drowning (no pun intended) myself in Titanic programming. I have been interested in Titanic for as long as I can remember. If I ever go to Nova Scotia, I plan to visit the Titanic gravesite there. Also, last time I went to NYC, I stayed at the Hotel Jane in Chelsea, which 100 years ago used to be a kind of retirement home for old mariners. All the rooms are like ship's cabins, with room for only one. Well, anyway....the hotel is where they put up the surviving crew members while the sinking was being investigated. Cool, no? And, if that kind of thing does not float your boat, back before RuPaul was famous, he used to live there. Just sayin'....
Ok, so that was fractured. I must be off to do school stuff and take care of the dreaded groceries.
W. :)